When you're looking for a packaging solution, there are a lot of different variables to consider. For example, is it easy to inventory? While it may be a neat idea to have your coffee packaging in the shape of a coffee bean, you're going to waste a lot of money by not taking full advantage of inventory space.
The consumer market today is continually looking for products that cater to their every need both within the product itself and the packaging it comes in. Incorporating resealable functions such as press-to-close and slider closures to zippers show your target audience that you care about the quality of your product and that it will remain fresh after purchase. Pet food and other perishable food items need to be kept fresh for long periods of time as a majority of these products don’t get consumed in one sitting.
The popularity of flexible packaging is continuing to grow in the US packaging industry as more manufacturers are realizing the variety of benefits transitioning to this design provides for both companies and consumers. Increased awareness is occurring regarding the sustainability of flexible packaging and its ability to reduce carbon footprints.