Great coffee packaging sells more coffee: it's just that simple. Custom coffee bags can go a long way toward influencing the buying behavior of your customers. Those bean bag packaging designs are an integral part of your brand and your voice.

Stand-up coffee pouches and tea packaging pouches are becoming increasingly popular with a variety of producers, but those are just the first steps in ensuring that you have great custom coffee bags that will achieve your goals. Custom printed coffee bags can help catch customers' attention and let them know that you have a great product that will fit their coffee needs. With our custom coffee bags' low minimum order rates, you can get started quickly and easily.


An eye-catching design is the first step in your high-quality custom coffee bags. You need custom coffee bags that will stand out from the crowd: one that will set your brand apart and hint at your brand story. At The Packaging Lab, we help ensure that you have that custom, eye-catching design, whether you're looking for a matte or glossy finish.


There are dozens of coffee packaging options on the market. Quality materials, however, can make a huge difference for consumers. Many consumers are looking for high-quality materials that will keep their coffee fresh, allow resealable options, or stand up to wherever they need to go and whatever their coffee needs to do.


The features you provide can make a huge difference in your custom coffee bags. Stand-up pouches, for example, make it simple for customers to store their coffee packaging bags in their cabinets, while gusseted coffee bags can provide more flexibility for storage. Flexible coffee packaging, in fact, can prove essential for your customers. Stick packs, on the other hand, allow consumers to quickly pull out a single serving of coffee when they're on the go. Want to make sure your coffee stays fresh? Degassing valves allow CO2 to escape your coffee bags without letting oxygen into the bag, keeping your coffee fresh.


At The Packaging Lab, we provide fully customizable options for your coffee products, whether you're looking for smaller quantities or large-scale printing of your coffee products. We offer coffee packaging bags that stand out from the crowd and fit your unique needs and plans, allowing you to get your brand on the market quickly.


You want to provide custom coffee bags of the highest quality to your customers, whether you're looking for bags for tea or coffee. High-quality packaging is crucial for storing those delicate ingredients, from one-way valve options that allow gasses to escape to custom side gussets that help provide flexibility and protect the delicate leaves or coffee beans inside.

Both tea and coffee need to be protected from light and moisture in order to keep your product fresh. Our pouches are designed to provide the high standard your customers expect. Our packaging options are also eco-friendly, which can help you appeal to customers who are looking for earth-friendly options for their coffee and tea needs.


As a small coffee brand, you might not need to order large quantities of coffee packaging bags at the same time. Do you need low quantities of your custom coffee bags? Do you want to release small quantities of multiple designs? Our digital printed coffee bags are available in small quantities to make it possible for even small brands to get a package that works for them.


Our turnaround time is quick and effective. With our digital printing options, you're able to get your coffee packaging bags in your hand faster so that you can release your product to your market in a more timely manner.


When you select coffee pouches or tea pouches for your products, you want to be sure that you're getting the right features for your customers and your needs. At The Packaging Lab, we understand the coffee industry and the unique needs of its consumers. Our premium packaging options include a variety of solutions that will help your company stand out from the competition, including stand-up pouches, gusset bags, pillow pouches, coffee valve options, and more.


At The Packaging Lab, we know how important it is to have custom coffee packaging that fits your specific needs. We help you create a custom bag that specifically fits your needs, with custom printing, custom labels, and a design perfect for tea or coffee bean packaging. We aim to help your coffee company achieve its goal of recognizable branding for ground coffee, coffee beans, tea, and more.


We have two key options for our bean bag packaging: stand-up and lay flat designs.


Our stand-up pouches are made of strong, durable packaging materials that are designed to help reduce waste and keep your product as fresh as possible. Our coffee packaging bags come in three types of materials: clear, white, and metalized, allowing you to select the barrier you need for your coffee. Stand-up pouches naturally adjust to the product they hold, offering easy transportation and storage options.

Customize your stand-up pouches with the features you need, including hanging holes for easier display or zippers for easy resealing. Our stand-up pouches are fully customizable, so you can put together the design you want while keeping your freshly roasted coffee in great shape.


Our lay-flat pouches are designed to reduce waste and allow for flat storage. Like our stand-up pouches, these coffee packaging bags can be purchased in clear, white, or metalized materials so that you can select the option you need for freshness and convenience as you design your custom coffee bags.


Lay flat pouches are often ideal for small or lightweight options for your bean bag packaging: coffee samples, for example, or small quantities of coffee intended to be sold in multipacks. Flexible coffee packaging is designed to lay flat on a variety of surfaces so that they can be easily stacked on shelves. Lay flat pouches can also have hang holes added so that retailers can easily display them on wall hooks.

Lay flat pouches are a great solution for coffee businesses that rely primarily on shipping through the mail since these custom printed coffee bags fit easily in a mailing envelope and are naturally lightweight and compact. This flexible coffee packaging option is one of the best solutions for a busy, modern business. 


Are you ready to design your coffee packaging bags? There are several things to keep in mind as you prepare the bags for your coffee business. Keep in mind that buying your custom coffee bags wholesale can make a huge difference in your purchase. 


Before you start designing coffee packaging bags for your roasted coffee and other products, consider the type of bag you want to use. Designs may fit differently on different types of packages, and you want to make sure that your design looks great on your chosen bag. Take into consideration whether you're using side gusset bags, planning for a flat bottom, or whether you need a degassing valve in your coffee bag—factor in features like quad seals, tin ties, side panels, and sizes. At The Packaging Lab, our bags come in a variety of standard sizes--and you want to make sure that you create a design that will fit the specific needs of your brand and your bag.


At The Packaging Lab, we offer several selections that will allow you to keep your coffee fresh and ready to go as you purchase your custom coffee bags wholesale.

  • A quad seal can help keep your pouches tightly sealed between uses, which will help keep coffee fresh in your custom-made coffee bags.
  • Tin ties on your custom printed coffee bags can help tie off coffee and allow customers to protect their coffee from air exposure between uses.
  • One-way degassing valves in our custom-made coffee bags release carbon dioxide, which is routinely emitted by freshly roasted coffee in the bag while preventing oxygen from reaching the coffee itself.

Remember, the tools you use to keep your coffee fresh can influence the lay of the bag, both on the shelf and when it's in your customer's home. Carefully consider how your solutions will impact the look of the bag and how you may need to alter your design to account for them as you plan to purchase your custom printed coffee bags wholesale.


Branding is a critical part of your coffee company. What is it that makes your brand stand out? What do you focus on? Your custom coffee bean bags should be part of your brand story. Before you buy your custom printed coffee bags wholesale, consider:

  • What colors do you use as part of your branding?
  • What do you want to highlight for your customers? Do you want to highlight your fresh roasted coffee? Unique flavors? Commitment to quality? Where do you source your coffee beans? All those elements can be a critical part of your brand--and play into the design of your custom coffee bags packaging.
  • What does your logo look like? Where do you want to place it on your custom coffee bean bags, and how do you want to highlight it?
  • What is important to your brand?

When you know who you are as a coffee brand, you can highlight those key elements for your customers in your designs as you plan your custom printed coffee bags wholesale purchase. 


Sometimes, you may choose to create special custom coffee bag packaging for events and promotions. Are you highlighting a specific holiday? Showcasing a specific promotion? With our low quantity order options, you can select coffee bean packaging bags that fit those unique promotions, rather than having to order large quantities of the same custom coffee bag packaging in order to meet minimums. Our custom coffee bags' low minimum order makes your life easy so you can keep your brand fresh and exciting.


Consider the information your consumers are looking for when they select coffee from your brand. Which type of coffee are they most likely to want? What information do they need to push them into making a purchase, or into selecting a specific type of coffee?

Take a look at your brand and each individual coffee or tea product, then, as you design your custom coffee bean bags, provide customers with information like:

  • The type of roast (light, medium, or dark)
  • The flavor profile, especially if you're offering special flavors or combinations
  • The best way to brew your coffee
  • Relevant information about your brand, including sustainability or eco-friendliness
  • The origin of your coffee beans

You can even use your coffee bag as an opportunity to tell your brand's story. Who are you? What sets you apart? Use a section of your custom printed coffee bags to tell customers more about who you are and why they should trust your brand.


Chances are, your coffee brand offers several different roast and flavor options. As you design custom printed coffee bags for each flavor, keep these tips in mind.

1. Keep it consistent.

You want customers to be able to pick your brand out of the crowd: to select your brand from the shelf and recognize the different options you provide. Keep your coffee bags consistent across each flavor in your brand.

2. Pay attention to trends.

Right now, many coffee brands are showcasing simplicity in their designs. Others are highlighting things that are important to their users, including whether the brand is organic or sustainable, or whether the bags are eco-friendly. Keep your eye on the trends in the coffee industry so that you can keep your brand on the cutting edge of those trends. With custom coffee bags low minimum order rates, you can change up your branding whenever you need to. 

3. Focus on your branding.

Your custom coffee bags are an important advertising element for your brand. A coffee bag may be the first--or even only--experience a consumer has with your brand before deciding whether to make a purchase. Make sure your custom coffee bags show who you are so that consumers can use that information to make a decision.


Are you ready to start designing and purchasing your custom coffee bags wholesale? You can try out our Design For Me option, which will allow our team of designers to create custom-made coffee bags based on the specific needs of your brand or your existing branding. Or, you can create your own pouch order based on your own custom printed coffee bean bags design.

Be prepared with:

  • The size (or sizes) you want to order
  • The material you want to use for your coffee bags
  • Whether you want a glossy or matte finish
  • What features do you want to add to your coffee bags, including a reclosable zipper or hang hole
  • The quantity you need
  • Your print file

Note: our dieline templates will help ensure that your existing designs fit our guidelines and will, therefore, fit on the bag according to your vision.

If you have that information in hand, that's all you need! Just enter the information into our ordering tool, upload your print file, and you're ready to create custom coffee packaging that will showcase the unique elements of your brand.

You can also start with a sample pack to get a better idea of our coffee packaging options and how they may fit into the needs of your coffee brand. 


Do you have questions that need answers before you get started with your custom coffee bag designs or before you're ready to place your order? Take a look at the FAQ below to learn more.


How much do custom coffee bags cost?

Pricing for our custom coffee bags depends on a variety of factors. In order to get an accurate estimate of the cost of your coffee bags, we'll need to know several things.

  • What size bags do you need?
  • What material do you want to use for your bags?
  • What add-ons do you want for your bags? Do you want zippers? Hang holes?
  • What quantity of bags do you need? Higher-volume orders may receive a discount on the price of individual bags.
  • How many days do you have for production? Rush orders may cost more than orders that leave us with more time to put your product together.

If you have questions about the cost of your coffee bag order, check out our ordering tool to learn more about how the specifications of your coffee packaging may impact your design costs.


Do you offer wholesale pricing?

At The Packaging Lab, we do offer discounts for large orders. However, we also offer low minimum quantities so that you can produce special edition coffee bags, special occasion bags, or coffee packaging for a brand that's just getting off the ground.


How do I print a custom coffee bag?

If you're interested in custom printed coffee bags for your coffee brand, start by visiting our ordering page. Then, you will choose the type of coffee package you want to order, whether you want a stand-up pouch or a lay-flat pouch. Select your specifications: your bag size, the add-ons you want for your bags, and the quantity you need.

Next, you'll upload your design and submit your order. Our team will digitally print your custom coffee bags and ship them out to you so that you can start sending your coffee out to your fans and customers.

If you don't already have a design in mind, or you need help making your custom printed coffee bags their best, our team of design experts will help you create a coffee bag that reflects your brand, your story, and your place in the market.


Do you offer custom-sized coffee packaging?

We offer coffee packaging options in a variety of standard sizes. For our stand-up pouches, for example, our packaging runs between 3.25" wide by 4.75" long, with a 2.0" gusset, to 12" wide by 12.5" long with a 3.5" gusset.


What is the best packaging for coffee?

The best packaging for coffee, whether you want to package whole bean coffee or freshly ground coffee, may depend on exactly what you want for your users. However, the best packaging will include:

  • A degassing valve that will allow CO2 to escape without letting oxygen reach the coffee
  • A resealable option, whether you want a tin tie or a quad seal that will help protect your coffee in the bag
  • High-quality, eco-friendly materials that help protect the coffee within

At The Packaging Lab, we offer high-quality coffee packaging options, including side gusset, flat bottom bags that stand up, and flat packages that will stack easily on a shelf or cabinet. Take a look at our custom options to learn more about how to help your coffee stand out on the shelf.


What should be on a coffee bag?

Coffee bags should include clear labeling information that lets customers know what they're getting when they choose your product. Your bag should include:

  • Your coffee's origin
  • The flavor and roast of the coffee
  • The specific name of the product
  • The net weight of the product
  • The ingredients used in the coffee
  • Your brand logo
  • Caffeine content, if applicable

You may also want to use your coffee packaging to share more information about your brand, from your specific brand story to information about how your coffee is sourced or how to best roast the coffee. If you sell in stores, you may want to include a barcode for easy scanning. 

Furthermore, it's important to make sure that your coffee bag reflects your brand. You need to display consistent branding that will help customers recognize your product, including a consistent logo, color scheme, or design choice that makes it easy to pick your product out from the others on the shelf.

If you have questions about how to design the most effective coffee bag for your brand, talk to our design team, who can help you ensure that you're including all the relevant information on your coffee packaging.


What do you put in a coffee bag?

Coffee bags are certainly ideal for coffee, but that doesn't mean that only coffee can go in these bags. You may also choose to use coffee packaging for a variety of other products, including:

  • Health and fitness products, including protein shakes
  • Herbs
  • Tea
  • Hot chocolate mix
  • Soup mix
  • Small-quantity flours and baking supplies
  • Spices
  • Candy
  • And more

If you have questions about whether your product will fit well in coffee packaging, or how to ensure that the packaging will work for your product, contact our design team to learn more about your available options.

Are you ready to start designing custom coffee packaging that will help your brand stand out? The Packaging Lab is here to help. Get started now!